Friday, November 14, 2008

I wonder if this is how the members in California have felt lately...

(If you couldn't tell, the sign says, "Vote Yes on 8.")

All I can say is that I am glad that there are many members who are fighting the good fight. We are proud to support the stance the Church has taken on this issue (that we don't oppose rights for homosexuals, but that we support traditional marriage) even way out here in OK.

We have seen pictures of members who have had their homes and cars vandalized, pictures of families walking to church in the midst of ridicule from supporters of "No", and heard numerous, sad stories of how people have been treated for casting a "Yes" vote on proposition 8. We realize that our stance makes us a target, and we are glad that there are people out there who are representing our church in the best way possible.

Addendum... Click on this link to see a collection of photos that I thought were pretty telling of who is tolerant on this issue and who is not. Note the vandalism to various churches and on the temple walls, the hateful language on various protesters signs (by FAR not the worst I have seen), the supposed "peaceful" protests, and especially the little girl calmly walking to her church meetings--she is braver than anybody I know.


Anonymous said...

What a great comparison! I couldn't agree more with this post!

whit said...

that's an awesome picture and it's so true. Speaking of that, I need to post the stuff my sister went through... the california's who stood up for what's right are amazing!

Michelle said...

It all just makes me so sad. I agree completely with that comparison of what we are going through today. Our church building was one that was vandalized last weekend and we aren't even in California.

Cami said...

That is a great comparison.

Melissa said...

Oh wow. I've heard about all the bad things that mormons are facing, but seeing real pictures makes it even more real and harder to understand. My favorite was Bro. Clark said a his brother told him a bunch of people got together to protest at the temple on Sunday but were disappointed when no one showed up. My friend started a blog about prop 8 before it passed. Read the 12 facts- pretty interesting stuff and it makes you wonder why we are being targeted so bad.

Hey Lindsay- when are we going to see Twilight?? I don't think I can do midnight if that is what you wanted. Anytime Friday should be good.

Kristen said...


Here is our blog: