Since we are finding that there are more and more people that we want to stay in contact with, and I am horrible at it, I have been convinced that this is a great way to do it. So here we go...our new blog. We have been in Oklahoma for about a month now and are pretty much settled in. Brad started school, I started work, and Mae started Preschool. Mae is going 5 days a week, half day--which I am not thrilled with, but we are making it work for now. She loves school, but doesn't want to go every day. She is missing her play time, and I even missing her brother I think. I am adjusting at work, I will have to give it some more time, but for now I am really missing my old hospital. Brad is getting used to sharing an office with 10 other people, and getting work done while they are in and out and chatting (he was spoiled in Oregon where he had his own office and a window).
We have done some painting inside the house, and quite a bit of digging outside. We planted some trees, and now we are working on moving dirt around the house so that water doesn't pool next to the foundation. Brad is finding that yard work is not his favorite--but he is being a good sport about all the ideas I have. I will have to wait until next year to plant any bushes or flowers, as well as replant the grass that we have dug up, but I want to get it all ready this fall.
Well, that is our update for now. I will try to keep this updated.