I think that it has snowed 7 of the last 10 days, and currently I cannot breath through my nose ( I am going on 4 days now), and I can't remember the last time my entire family attended church together two weeks in a row due to EVERY sickness known to man. It has been a winter, and its only half way done! I found myself looking back at pictures just to see grass and sun. Here are some that brought a smile to my face...
Ian's Birthday...isn't he cute
Three legged races at Gma and Gpa Campbell's...ahhh the capris and t'shirts. And Mae's hair was so cute back then, I think I will take her this week and get her a nice summer haircut.
I can't help but smile when I see this picture. As a side note, this little BYU hat is missing, so if it is at your house--we would love it back!
Our fourth and (we think) final child is on the way, and we just found out it will be a BOY! Mae was less than thrilled about this, but that's life right? Eh, we will just get her a cat. Things look good with the pregnancy and Mae says that I am soo big that it looks like I could have the baby any day (I just started wearing maternity clothes 2 1/2 weeks ago).
Noah is out of his crib due to catapulting himself out of it in rage a few times. He and Ian now share a room, and Ian LOVES being on the top bunk. This has been a much easier transition than we expected.
Brad is finally not loving coaching basketball (he still likes it quite a bit, but like me is anxious to have a little more time at home soon--Just in time for him to help out with track).
We are loving our new home and have finally even painted a few rooms...you will all have to come see, we love visitors. I have many plans for this spring including a fence for the backyard and Brad putting up our swing set and installing a sand box, hopefully our tax return will come through for us.
So there it is...our life. Enjoy.