Sunday, October 26, 2008

Mae's Primary Program...

The best Sacrament Meeting all year! I worked a night shift last night, got home at 7:00 am, then went to church at 9:00---the program made it all worth it (not that our regular meeting aren't worth it). Mae did amazingly with her part and got many compliments from our ward members. I was sitting on the back row and when they sang "I am a Child of God", I could hear her voice, loud and clear, over all the other kids. I was amazed, especially this year for some reason, at how strongly I could feel the spirit, and how refreshing of a testimony strengthener the program was. To have 5 year olds speak about The Proclamation to the Family and how how they are grateful for eternal families. With all the talk in the media about the definition of marriage and people's rights, I got emotional when these young kids talked about how having a mother and a father for children is the essence of why Heavenly Father created families and marriage. These kids don't watch the news, but to them, this was both important and uncomplicated.

The program had the classic kids who had the part memeorized and zoomed through it while staring at their shoes. The one who messed up mid way through, chastized themselves and started over, the ones who's cute way they talk make it a little hard to understand but leave you with the biggest grin, and of course the poor 12 year olds who are sooooooo ready to be out of Primary and show their complete lack of interest in the songs and their parts. I said, this program was great and put me on a spiritual high that will totally get me through this next week--hey thats what church is for right?!

With no further ado, here is the star herself...


DeAnne said...

Wow! That is a long part for a 5 year old! Mae-you did an excellent job!

I am so glad the program was so spiritual. I can't wait to have Jocelyn in it next year. I can't wait to hear what Ian does next year in the program (wink).

Kids are so pure and sweet and they really know what is right. There is nothing more powerful than a simple, sweet, pure testimony.

Heather said...

Amazing. Tyler had a part too, but it wasn't nearly that long and he didn't have it memorized. I was sad I missed him speaking though b/c Jake was sick today. Mae is so freaking cute!

James and Sandra said...

Way to go Mae! You look so beautiful, and you sounded great doing your part. We sure miss you, Kari and Hayden say hi.

Shenise said...

How fun! And AMEN to the mariage thing. God made it simple...and yet people are making is so difficult. I don't care if they get the same rights that you and I have, my beef is when it comes down to people trying to twist God's plan to make it work.

Crystal said...

So cute! That was a really good post. You have a really sweet little girl.

Melissa said...

She did do a great job! I even had people come up to me and tell me that I should get Mae to join the choir- she was a great singer!! I love your summary of the program and how there are always the same types of people- especially those 12 year olds- classic. I sure look forward to it every year and this year didn't disappoint!

Jen Holt said...

Way to go Mae! I always love the primary program. Joyce just told us your news. We are way excited!!

Shanel said...

PS..That "Shenise" comment was me! I must have been logged in under her password...oops

Cami said...

Way to go Mae! Primary program is one of my favorites. Can't wait for ours.