Sunday, June 19, 2011

Anniversary, Track, and a Birthday

I tried to post this so that Peter's birthday was first, but I forgot that it posts pictures in reverse, so here we go...

Brad and I went to Lake Tahoe for our 9th anniversary, just the two of us for 4 nights and 5 days. We had a blast; we camped the first two nights and then stayed in a hotel the next two. I thought that it was the perfect combination. We were able to eat dutch oven while camping and get a massage and a real shower at the hotel. We did almost everything we wanted to do and were exhausted by the end.

While at a spot called Sand Harbor it was actually hot enough that Brad had to jump in. I professional photographer that was taking pictures of the landscape caught this picture of Brad and emailed it to us.

Brad really wanted to go parasailing, I wasn't so sure. I think I wanted to know how I would like it since my love for heights has taken a huge dive in the last 10 years. Consensus, Brad loved making fun of me the whole time we were up there, and I know I never have to do it again...
This picture was taken while we were attempting a hike. Were were trying to make it to the top of Mount Talac. The snow stopped us about half way up the mountain but we saw some beautiful views--Fallen Leaf Lake and Lake Tahoe in the background.

Us kayaking. Going on a trip just the the two of us, we weren't able to get great pictures so you will just have to take my word for it. This was probably my favorite part. We kayaked at Sand Harbor one evening and then kayaked into Emerald Bay the next--we kayaked about 9 miles that day. We were exhausted, but it was fun.

Mae did city track this year. I think she enjoyed it. They only awarded medals and ribbons at one of the 5, but Mae did great at that one. She placed 1st in the 400 meter, 2nd in the long jump, 5th in the 50 meter, and 6th in the 100 meter.

Peter's Birthday!!!! We love this little guy, we promise, even if he had the lamest party ever. Thats how it goes with the 4th I guess.

We got him a wagon....

He is crawling all over the place and is attempting to stand without holding on to anything. I can't get him to say anything but DaaaDaa most of the time, but that does make me apprectiate the couple times he says Maaaa in my week. He tries to copy what we say sometimes and mimicks the sound more than the word. Going along with his most frequent word, he is loving his dad these days. This always happens after I wean my babies...they no longer need me and change their allegiences. He does still love me though.

Sorry for the next picture, but Brad really wants me to post it: Peter frequently has hard stools and so he cries every time he poops whether it it hard or not. He was doing the poo cry so I went to change his diaper. He had not pooped yet but it was on its way out. I swear that this is exactly how it greeted me, "head first", there was no manipulation what so ever. Brad calls it the "Frankinpoo": I am sorry if you will all have nightmares after this.